#artinthebox in Nemi

You have until January 8 to see and buy one of the paintings I created for the “Art In The Box” group shop organized by Artinarte in the whimsical Palazzo Ruspoli, in Nemi, near Rome.

They are all on 30×30 cm canvasses and made using charcoal and acrylic colors. I made the charcoal sticks myself and they have a pleasant brownish tone. Are you interested in buying one, or more? Just mail me!

#the100dayproject Week 4 and a little freeby just for you!

AKA: I finished the FIRST month of my #100daysofhadndrawnpatterns! And scroll down for some free happy and creative smartphone wallpaper to match the desktop wallpaper you can download here.

#the100dayproject Week 4
Spring has sprung and sun is warm and happy in my garden and I keep on drawing nature inspired patterns. I am loving this creative project more and more and can’t wait to use the patterns on other projects.

Day 22

Day 23


Day 24
Day 25


Day 26


Day 27


Day 28

As for the embroidered brooches I mentioned last week, I am still in the sewing stage: these are turning out more time consuming than what I thought (it is mainly due to me always dreaming big and plunging in project head first XD) I want to put at least a couple of the brooches in my Etsy Shop by mid May (positive mode ON!) In the meantime you can purchase the original small paintings which I used for the desktop and smartphone wallpapers.

This week super project is something I just found: Elizabeth‘s rocking IG with her geometric drawings. Go check her out for some colorful, somewhat Bauhaus like designs.

And now…. (drumroll): your smartphone wallpapers!

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Week 1

Week 2

Week 3